

Emotional Freedom Technique

Especially in childhood, our body's defensive response to any threat may be vital for what we perceive as dangerous situations.

However, the nervous system can become "stuck" in a state of tension, arousal or shutdown.

If you have experienced accident, loss, threat or temporary or chronic conditions or stress you may feel the emotional or physical results; sometimes years later.

As an advanced practitioner, Helen uses Emotional Freedom technique with Matrix Reimprinting (often known as "Tapping"

to free you from the ongoing trauma in whatever form it takes.

This holistic approach is gentle - it can be fun to do, but is very powerful.

It is used in gradual steps to overcome what can be many years of cumulative stress and unhelpful responses to everyday events.

Benefits of EFT and Matrix Reimprinting.

Somatic therapy is considered to be a mind-body therapy because it relies on the connection between mental and physical processes. After all, your mind and body work together to shape who you are and to create the physical and emotional sensations you experience. So, how can somatic therapy help?

EFT enables you to reframe unpleasant or traumatic experiences, so you can overcome their negative effects on your mind and body. You can also learn to have a greater and more positive sense of self.

Your self-confidence may grow as you reduce your worrying, gain a sense of hope, improve your ability to concentrate, and become calmer and more resilient to stress. From a physical perspective, you may find you become more active, and your physical pain and discomfort may diminish too.

EFT or “The Tapping Technique” is a body/mind method of dispersing emotional issues we wish to resolve. It combines a gentle touch together with mindful and vocal attention to thoughts and feelings.

EFT involves gently tapping with our fingertips on energy points on the hands, face and body while focusing (temporarily) upon an issue we wish to resolve.

It is a highly focused energy psychology method that rapidly releases the emotional impact of stressful or traumatic life events from the body-mind system; events that have often occurred within the first six years of life and which, to the conscious mind are long forgotten.

Working with the subconscious mind to release these threats / fears / negative stimuli and to change our responses to them, we release the trauma and unwanted health conditions that go with them.

Matrix Re-imprinting gives us a fun and fast method of dealing with the causes of the distress as we work with the client's younger self. The client is also given the skills to take home and work with any other issues that come up later.

The University of York conducted research into EFT with PTSD and Depression. The emotional freedom technique for the treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, or anxiety: clinical evidence was overwhelming in the benefits it brought..

Tapping your way to success

Using Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) to reduce anxiety and improve communication skills in social work students.

Source: SCIE Social Care Online Publisher: Taylor and Francis

Publication date: 01 January 2017

Abstract: By the nature of their professional training and practice placements, social work students are prone to situations provoking the onset of anxiety. A programme of academic and placement support, termed the ‘Skills Lab’, provides help and support for students to develop their communication skills and prepare for their practice placements and transition into professional social work practice.

Skills Lab evaluations indicated a high level of appreciation, linked with a strong sense of apprehension and anxiety, which some students report has negatively affected their performance.

To address student anxiety, a pilot study using Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) was developed. EFT is an intervention, which may potentially be effective in reducing academic anxiety and enhancing public speaking. This mixed-methods pilot study measured participants’ (n = 45) subjective distress and anxiety before and after using EFT.

Subjective distress/anxiety was invoked through a 15-min assignment lecture. Twelve of the 45 students also participated in one-one interviews to elaborate on their experiences of EFT.

Quantitative findings indicated participants reported significantly less subjective distress and anxiety after using EFT. Qualitative findings indicated three themes whereby participants found EFT calming, relaxing and helpful; considered the transferability of EFT in other settings; and proposed some of the mechanisms of EFT’s action.

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Call me on 01242 621330 to speak to me or to leave a message.

Enquiries are answered, usually, within 48 hours, and all contact is strictly confidential and uses secure phone and email services.

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